Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It Takes Two
http://www. facebook.comRelationships take work. Many times in order to have a long productive relationship both parties have to work hard at maintaining it. To be honest being in a relationship is a full time job. It takes work, work from both parties. We hear to often about one or the other(male/female) complaining that they always feel as if they are the only one doing anything to maintain the relationship. Now that does not mean that since you feel like its just you doing all the work that you should not put any energy in still trying to make things work out. We as people (male/female) tend to give up to easy, we do not have any patience any more. With break up and divorce being so common or dare I say the "norm", out of convince we are throwing in the towel on love. Its hard living with and loving someone else and we all go through what seems to be a selfish act from time to time. How can we fix this problem you may ask? Well I say do all that you can do to improve you situation. Try to communicate, and work out the problem in a civilized manner. Not yelling but in a direct tone that will get your point across. Be honest and up about whatever concerns or complaint you may have. Not nagging but discussing your issues. Now if that does not work do not rule out counseling. Sometime you may need a mediator to help monitor the dialogue. I am simply saying do everything in you being to make things work. Lead by example and encourage and demand the same effort that you put in and do not believe for a minute that you are above reproach. So be realistic and remember be patient and do not be so quick to throw in the towel on love.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Solution or Problem
When it comes to your job and work remember there are two kinds of people. They are Solution people and Problem people. Meaning that either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem. The Solution people are the individuals that work well with others, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Despite any obstacles that my occur with other co workers or management. The Problem people are the individuals that constantly complain, always have an issue or "suggestion" on how things need to be run. Even if its not their job. The question is which individual are you. Be the individual that is working on a solution rather than contributing to the problem. To make it plain do your job and shut up with the complaints, and be thankful that you have a job. Two fingers!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Words Don't Mean Sh@#!!
This post is for males and females. Let me tell you something, words are good. Meaning that they may sound good coming out of your mouth, they may even comfort the person that you are saying them to. But, let me simply say until you can compound your words with actions then they are just that.......Words. Often times people (males and females) we caught up in what our significant other says other then paying more attention to what they do. We (males/females) can say i love you, I want to be with you, etc. Until that person backs those phrases with action then refer to the fourth sentence..... Simply put people WORDS DO MEAN SH@$!!! Two fingers!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
It Is Not Always About You
This weekend was my birthday and as bad as I wanted it to be all about me, I came to the realization that it was definitely not the case. Sometime even when you want to be selfish you will find that you are needed to extend your help to others. We all have to understand that everything does not go as we would often like it to go but we have to make the best of a bad situation. Even if it means not getting what you necessary want. Do not block your blessings with selfishness because that selfishness can sometime come back and get you. (Two fingers!!)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Conversation Rules the Nation
A major problem with people period is that we do not communicate very well. As I grow and mature further into my man hood I am learning that communication is so important. Whether its a relationship, career, or family we as a people have to learn that many of our differences could be solved by simply communicating. Now communication is a two way street, because just like you want to be heard you have to be willing to hear. Excuse me not just hear, one needs to be able to listen. You can not be selfish when communicating, it can not always be about your opinions, how you feel or just what you think. By learning how to do so, it would cut down on so much conflict and confusion. People would gain a deeper understanding of one another if we simply sat down and had a conversation. Two fingers!!!
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