Monday, March 9, 2009

We Need to Be More Thankful

People need to stop complaining and recognize the blessings we have. One tends to spend entirely to much time complaining about what we do not have, instead of being more thankful for what we do have. I am guilty of it and we all are. I have begun to make an honest effort to not go out of my way to be negative and begin to focus on the positive. Here are a couple of ways of thinking that have helped keep a positive attitude.

1. Instead of saying: "I hate my job!"
Say: "I'm so glad that I have a job."

2. Instead of saying: "I'm not making enough money."
Say: "I need to do a better job with managing the money that I have."

3. Instead of saying: "I want a bigger home."
Say: "I am so glad that I have a home.

Simply be thankful for the what we have. Its time to be resourceful, and tighten our belts and be more mindful of our lifestyle and how wasteful we can be. Learn to use what we have and be glad with it. We as people can get threw these trying times with prayer, being more responsible, and being thankful for what we have.

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