Should be a good one movie heads
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Keep Grinding
I have been coaching athletes for ten years. This by far has been the most difficult season to date. We are 2-7 and we are out of the playoffs for the second year in a row. It at times is frustrating and disappointing, to know that you have talent but the kids seem to be missing something. As a coach i have been doing everything i know how and I have not seem to be able to reach my players. What I learned through it all is keep pushing and learn to be patient. Despite our shortcomings they have not quit and have given me there all. I have learn one valuable thing no matter what you have to stick with it just like you ask the players.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tom Ford Fall 2009 Menswear Collection
Tom Ford Fall 2009 Menswear Collection
These are so nice sport coats and check out the slacks
These are so nice sport coats and check out the slacks
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Judge Not
With all the negative comments that have been associated with the reinstatement of Michael Vick, I am amazed at the way people especially (animal lovers) are so quick to judge and ridicule an individual who has paid for the mistakes and his crimes. Did he lie about his crimes to avoid being caught yes, but who hasn't, no one wants their wrongs to be exposed. The man has paid his debt to the NFL and society so now allow him to work and even a living. With that being said lets stop being so quick to judge and stop holding grudges especially when a man already owned up to his mistakes and paid the price for his wrongs. Two fingers!!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Rest In Peace Michael Jackson
A few days ago the world lost an entertainment icon, Mr. Michael Jackson. I can truly say that this is and was the greatest entertainer of all time. He was the complete package, he could sing dance write and produce. Honestly I have never been anywhere and heard his music come on and observe anyone stand still. Everyone has one or more favorite Michael Jackson songs which solidifies the fact that his music and legacy will forever remain timeless. With that being said let us not discuss the negative aspects of his life ; money, court, the rumors, etc. Let us remember the greatness and genius that he displayed every time he touched a microphone or a stage. He will truly be missed and never be replaced. Thank you for sharing him with the world Lord. Rest in Peace Michael Jackson !!! Two fingers!!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Double Standard
There is a double standard when it comes to women and men. You hear the question all the time that why is it o.k. for a man to sleep around and not o.k. for a woman? Because it is not a good look. Now I'm not saying that it is cool or safe for men to do a lot of sleeping around especially with all that is going around nowadays. But it is what it is men we can do to much and yes it looks bad but it looks worse when a female does it. I do not make the rules. Men we hold our ladies, wives, or whatever to a certain standard and no man wants to hear that his lady has been all over town doing God knows what with God knows who. Honestly I would rather not know if my lady was out there doing her thing and we be safe between one another, that is if I was still in the game (Happily Married, Thank YOU) LOL!!! But seriously, guys be careful and let us not be so open witour bodies, and females do the same. Let's be more careful and damn sure more responsible. Guys quality not quantitiy and ladies protect your name and protect yourself!!! Two Fingers
Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy Fathers Day
It is Father's Day weekend and I would like to send a special Happy Father's Day to all fathers. We tend to get a bad rap due to all the negative publicity. But contrary to popular opinion we have some great fathers in the world. We are not all ducking baby mothers, the law, or avoiding responsibilities, we are actually out here providing taking care of our children and families. So take the time and say thank you to daddy on Father's Day!!!! Two Fingers
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
How Soon We Forget
Recently we had a State Senate race run off (District 7) here in Huntsville. We had two candidates one white and one African American. The white candidate was a individual that no one had heard of and the African American candidate was a pillar of the black community that had taught and been very active for over thirty years. It was a wonderful opportunity to continue having an individual of color representing the Democratic party in predominately white state. The problem is that we as African Americans did not show up and vote to support this candidate. We forgot that in order for us as a people to continue to move forward we have to remain active in the political process. Just because we have an African American President does not give us the comfort zone to relax and feel as if we have arrived. We have to continue to stick together, get involved in changing the balance of politics and policies as it is related in our very own community. Our job is not done by any means we must not forget that we have to remain active in the political process. Pleas continue to vote.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Game On
Well the finals are finally here! Orlando Magic vs. "The Lake Show" (Los Angeles Lakers), the "Black Mamba vs. Young Superman, as bad as the world wanted the "King" vs. Kobe the Magic prevailed. One of my coaches once told me that you never doubt a man or his will. With that being said, you never count anyone out. The media and the whole world wanted the Cavs and the Lakers in the finals but one thing that they did not count on was the Cavs were not very good down the stretch. Cleveland has got to get Lebron some help, sorry Lebron enjoy fishing!!! But Magic you have a opportunity to make history by doing what the world including myself seem to be impossible and that is beat the Lakers in a seven game series. I love the underdog but I am a realist I pick the Lakers in six. Stranger things have happened, I mean Obama is President and the Cardinals were in the Super Bowl, so anything is possible. Again I see the Lakers in six. Two fingers!!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Play it Out!
If you have a pulse and a television then you have been watching this years' playoff race for the NBA championship. Now as a fan of the NBA I know aside from entertainment it is a business. But I do not think that the business side should take away from the roots of the game which are skill set and ultimately competition. From a business aspect it would be and excellent match up for Kobe (Bryant) and Lebron (James) to compete for the title. But let's not count out the other individuals who are just as talented from even being mentioned as potential finalist in the championship race. As a fan i hate to see things scripted or set up in order for the establishment (NBA) to make money and gain more television ratings. These commercials and constant promotion of the these two NBA titans is good for the game but watching how they are calling these games only makes me and many others believe that the powers that be are trying their best to create their own match up instead of letting the championship be decided the ole fashion way by letting the two best teams duke it out. Whether its the Lakers, Cavilers, Nuggets or Magic let them play it out!!! Two fingers ( Go Nuggets!!)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Recession Proof
Times like this you should be on the grind. Face it people we are in a recession, but this is no time to be wallow in our own monetary pity. Get up off your butt and get on your grind. No I do not mean sell dope or rob. I mean use your mind and resources to establish some type of income and take care of you and yours. Simply put do for self. Learn to how to manage what you have and monitor your spending habits. If you have children teach them what the value of a dollar is and how to save and monitor their finances at an early age to create wealth for the future. Two Fingers!!!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Congrats to Lebron
I have a confession to make, I honestly believed that Kobe was going to win the MVP post all star break. Not slighting Lebron the least, just watching Kobe I figured that he was going to get it. But as I continued to watch what the young "KING" was doing I simply change my opinion rather quickly. The young lion is having an amazing career, and season. He had 34 points last night after accepting the MVP trophy just to put another stamp on a amazing season. I have them pegged to win the East hands down with a major show down with the Magic. If you are a true sports fan then you can appreciate the work that the young man has put into his craft. So with that being said I say Congrats to Lebron I truly am now a witness. Two fingers!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
It Takes Two
http://www. facebook.comRelationships take work. Many times in order to have a long productive relationship both parties have to work hard at maintaining it. To be honest being in a relationship is a full time job. It takes work, work from both parties. We hear to often about one or the other(male/female) complaining that they always feel as if they are the only one doing anything to maintain the relationship. Now that does not mean that since you feel like its just you doing all the work that you should not put any energy in still trying to make things work out. We as people (male/female) tend to give up to easy, we do not have any patience any more. With break up and divorce being so common or dare I say the "norm", out of convince we are throwing in the towel on love. Its hard living with and loving someone else and we all go through what seems to be a selfish act from time to time. How can we fix this problem you may ask? Well I say do all that you can do to improve you situation. Try to communicate, and work out the problem in a civilized manner. Not yelling but in a direct tone that will get your point across. Be honest and up about whatever concerns or complaint you may have. Not nagging but discussing your issues. Now if that does not work do not rule out counseling. Sometime you may need a mediator to help monitor the dialogue. I am simply saying do everything in you being to make things work. Lead by example and encourage and demand the same effort that you put in and do not believe for a minute that you are above reproach. So be realistic and remember be patient and do not be so quick to throw in the towel on love.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Solution or Problem
When it comes to your job and work remember there are two kinds of people. They are Solution people and Problem people. Meaning that either you are part of the solution or you are part of the problem. The Solution people are the individuals that work well with others, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Despite any obstacles that my occur with other co workers or management. The Problem people are the individuals that constantly complain, always have an issue or "suggestion" on how things need to be run. Even if its not their job. The question is which individual are you. Be the individual that is working on a solution rather than contributing to the problem. To make it plain do your job and shut up with the complaints, and be thankful that you have a job. Two fingers!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Words Don't Mean Sh@#!!
This post is for males and females. Let me tell you something, words are good. Meaning that they may sound good coming out of your mouth, they may even comfort the person that you are saying them to. But, let me simply say until you can compound your words with actions then they are just that.......Words. Often times people (males and females) we caught up in what our significant other says other then paying more attention to what they do. We (males/females) can say i love you, I want to be with you, etc. Until that person backs those phrases with action then refer to the fourth sentence..... Simply put people WORDS DO MEAN SH@$!!! Two fingers!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
It Is Not Always About You
This weekend was my birthday and as bad as I wanted it to be all about me, I came to the realization that it was definitely not the case. Sometime even when you want to be selfish you will find that you are needed to extend your help to others. We all have to understand that everything does not go as we would often like it to go but we have to make the best of a bad situation. Even if it means not getting what you necessary want. Do not block your blessings with selfishness because that selfishness can sometime come back and get you. (Two fingers!!)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Conversation Rules the Nation
A major problem with people period is that we do not communicate very well. As I grow and mature further into my man hood I am learning that communication is so important. Whether its a relationship, career, or family we as a people have to learn that many of our differences could be solved by simply communicating. Now communication is a two way street, because just like you want to be heard you have to be willing to hear. Excuse me not just hear, one needs to be able to listen. You can not be selfish when communicating, it can not always be about your opinions, how you feel or just what you think. By learning how to do so, it would cut down on so much conflict and confusion. People would gain a deeper understanding of one another if we simply sat down and had a conversation. Two fingers!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
You Owe It To Yourself
Sometime we can become our own worst enemy. We can have great intentions to do great things or perform on a higher level and for some reason we find a way to under achieve. We limit our self with a ocean worth of excuses on why we can not have the life we want to have or do the things that we may want to do. Only to turn 0n the television, read in a magazine, or turn on the radio and here one of our favorite entertainment figures doing what we feel like is making it. What is the difference between them and myself, you ask? I would say they had the fortitude to go after what they wanted to accomplish and not be a victim of their own second guessing. Notice I did not say other people or haters, I said we can be our own worst enemy. You can be the one telling yourself that you can not do what it is you are setting out to do. You are the one coming up with excuses. Instead you should get up off your ass and go after what you desire in life. With GOD and the ability to dream the sky is truly the limit. You all go head and share that! Two fingers!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Excuse My Mistakes
Hey on that last post I had some typing mistakes. At work trying to do ten things at once. This will not happen again.
Self Check
From time to time I do my own self evaluation in my relationship. I encourage you to do the same. What I learned it that I need to do what I call step my "love game" up. I believe in being pro active. So I made a pledge to work on my romance activities as far as being more consistent. I always what to keep my lady smiling so I need to bring more romance to the table on a regular basis. Now enough about me and my business. Like I stated earlier, I encourage everyone to do their own self evaluation in whatever area of your relationship that you feel needs work. I believe to often we spend so much time pointing the finger at our spouse or significant other that we forget that we play just as much a role in what may be wrong then we really want to take credit for. So remember when you point the finger at someone, know that four more fingers are pointing back at you. Peace!!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
We Have to Do Better
I teach P.E. at Davis Hills Middle School. We just returned from spring break today I was talking to my some of my students while we were walking the track. I was asking them what they did over the break, roughly about thirty throughout the day. Maybe about four of them even left the city/state The other twenty-six, and I'm sure countless others did not even leave home. I heard some even say that they were glad school was back in because they were so bored. I say all of this to say that what I noticed that due to whatever circumstances so many of our children are not being exposed to other surroundings like they may need to be. I know that in these trying times it is difficult to go on trips for a whole week but we as parents need to find a way to show our children that it is a whole world that exist outside of there neighborhood. Simple day trips to Tennessee or Georgia just for them to see the country side and get an opportunity to smell some different air. I told my wife and I made a promise today that I want to make it a priority to expose my son to the as many other places outside of Huntsville Alabama as I possibly can. I encourage other parents to do the same. No matter where you live.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Learn to Be Supportive
Ladies if you have a man that goes to work everyday, provides, take care of his responsibilities and comes home at night. Then shut up and quit complaining. Support that a man. It is difficult enough to be a man period. So support is especially needed from a man's wife or significant other. There is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that your wife or life partner has your back one hundred percent. That will make a man feel like he can move a mountain.
Now I am not saying get behind every hair brain scheme that we may come up with. I am saying that if your man comes to you wanting to try a new endeavor that will not take away from your finances and lifestyle, then support that man. Often time we just need to know that you all are in our corner to give that honest opinion and encouragement. So instead of always shooting ideas down or just outright being negative.......See title! Peace!!!!
Now I am not saying get behind every hair brain scheme that we may come up with. I am saying that if your man comes to you wanting to try a new endeavor that will not take away from your finances and lifestyle, then support that man. Often time we just need to know that you all are in our corner to give that honest opinion and encouragement. So instead of always shooting ideas down or just outright being negative.......See title! Peace!!!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I Don't Think We Will Mind
Ladies believe this or not we as men do not mind if you take it upon yourself to initiate things in the "physical" area. Trust me we will not mind. As I talk to men who are married or are in long term relationships they have all said at one time or another that would like it if their spouse or significant other would invite us (men) to have sex more often. Most of the time if you look at it men are 90% of the time initiating sexual activity. Honestly, it is a turn on to me when my wife gives me the word that she wants my body. It becomes a sexual stimulant. I love it, it is very very sexy to me, I even encourage her to do it more often. I have also learned that some of my fellow husbands and boyfriends love it also. If you did not know it ladies, men love to be desired just like women do. No I am not trying to get in touch with my female side, I am just being honest. Try it out ladies, it my benefit the both of you.
Sorry, But I Have Missed You
Hello guys and girls. Sorry that I have not posted anything in a couple of days, been busy working on my honeydo list. Plus its spring break, so work with me. But I will post something new shortly.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Understanding
In order for relationships to work people need to gain a clear and concise understanding of their mate. Now I am giving the male perspective, because well, I am a man. As far as we go, men are simple creatures. Men do not need a whole lot to keep them happy. Food, consistent sex, a little conversation, and some space and you will find that your man is always smiling. At least till the bills come in, but all other bases are covered.
Ladies think about it. What man does not love to come home to a home cooked meal or a plate in the microwave. Try inviting your man to a night filled with mind numbing sex and see what happens. Have a conversation that does not involve complaining and see how smooth things develop. When your man says that he wants to go with the fellas and watch a game simply say "o.k. darling have a great time." By having a great since of understanding you will find that your relationship has less and less arguing. It will become very blissful. But be warned, if you do all these things for your man and he is not being the provider, protector, and help mate that he should be then guess what, YOU ARE BEING AN IDIOT!! And you are being played. Two words....... I'M GONE!!!
Ladies think about it. What man does not love to come home to a home cooked meal or a plate in the microwave. Try inviting your man to a night filled with mind numbing sex and see what happens. Have a conversation that does not involve complaining and see how smooth things develop. When your man says that he wants to go with the fellas and watch a game simply say "o.k. darling have a great time." By having a great since of understanding you will find that your relationship has less and less arguing. It will become very blissful. But be warned, if you do all these things for your man and he is not being the provider, protector, and help mate that he should be then guess what, YOU ARE BEING AN IDIOT!! And you are being played. Two words....... I'M GONE!!!
Allow Me to Introduce Myself
Due to my excitement of starting my first blog, I neglected to formally introduce myself. I am P.J. an apsiring writer. The blog gives me an opportunity to express my opinion and give insight on topics ranging from relationships to sports. I will also post motivational or thought provoking entries. I want this blog to become the next big thing so please feel free to join and post any comments that you may have about my writing. So tune in and fasten your seatbelt.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
It Is Not O.K.
It is not o.k. to be mediocre. We as people have begun to settle for less then the best. As I teach and coach today's youth, I have found out that their parents do not challenge their ability as much as they need to. It has become acceptable to allow our children to just be average. We need to get back challenging our children to be better and strive for excellence. If you look at the quality of work and service just in everyday life we are not teaching our youth to have pride and always display your best at all times. If you have children start today by pushing them to strive to be the best at whatever career path that they may choose.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
50/50 Love
There is no such thing as 50/50 love. In a relationship you will never have a situation were things are equal. Why, because you will find that someone in the relationship will be giving more than the other. As for the male perspective, I truly believe that a man loves harder than a woman. Reason being, it takes a man longer to commit, and once he does his love is stronger and harder. Plus most relationships are designed to cater to the female anyway. Some ladies take advantage of that, which in return puts most things in there favor. Think about it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
We Need to Be More Thankful
People need to stop complaining and recognize the blessings we have. One tends to spend entirely to much time complaining about what we do not have, instead of being more thankful for what we do have. I am guilty of it and we all are. I have begun to make an honest effort to not go out of my way to be negative and begin to focus on the positive. Here are a couple of ways of thinking that have helped keep a positive attitude.
1. Instead of saying: "I hate my job!"
Say: "I'm so glad that I have a job."
2. Instead of saying: "I'm not making enough money."
Say: "I need to do a better job with managing the money that I have."
3. Instead of saying: "I want a bigger home."
Say: "I am so glad that I have a home.
Simply be thankful for the what we have. Its time to be resourceful, and tighten our belts and be more mindful of our lifestyle and how wasteful we can be. Learn to use what we have and be glad with it. We as people can get threw these trying times with prayer, being more responsible, and being thankful for what we have.
1. Instead of saying: "I hate my job!"
Say: "I'm so glad that I have a job."
2. Instead of saying: "I'm not making enough money."
Say: "I need to do a better job with managing the money that I have."
3. Instead of saying: "I want a bigger home."
Say: "I am so glad that I have a home.
Simply be thankful for the what we have. Its time to be resourceful, and tighten our belts and be more mindful of our lifestyle and how wasteful we can be. Learn to use what we have and be glad with it. We as people can get threw these trying times with prayer, being more responsible, and being thankful for what we have.
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